#WATWB: When community is family

This is my first official post for the We Are the World Blogfest, and I thought I'd start it out right in my own backyard. Sometimes I forget that there are good things happening nearby. We don't always have to look at some far-off country, or even the opposite end of our own country, to... Continue Reading →

You’re so practical, James

  When our creative team at work began to plan our promo for the next sermon series, an eleven-week study of the book of James, we came up with the title "FaithWorks." As all the graphics and plans started to come together, I started getting excited about going through this particular book once again. It... Continue Reading →

We Are the World Blogfest

Hey, everyone, I thought I'd give a quick heads-up today so you all might pop on by next Friday, August 25, to my blog. I'm participating in a blog hop called "We Are The World Blogfest" (tagged on social media as #WATWB). The idea of this blogfest is just as the picture above states: in... Continue Reading →

Our baby is 24

  Our oldest child (who is certainly no longer a child by anyone's definition) turned twenty-four years old this past week, and I have no idea how that happened. Wasn't it just a handful of years ago that I was pregnant? There are times when it sure seems like it was yesterday. The oldest child... Continue Reading →

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