#WATWB To make a wish and then give it away

Make-A-Wish America is an organization near and dear to my heart, and something that always comes to mind when I think of good news stories. Make-A-Wish, to put it simply, grants wishes. Specifically, their team of donors and volunteers does everything in their power to make wishes come true for terminally ill children.

When our third child was born with Trisomy 13, his doctors referred our family for a wish. Because his life expectancy was so short, we were encouraged to do what they call a “comfort wish,” which involved the Make-A-Wish staff taking us on a $1,000 shopping spree for things we needed and things that would make his room a happy place to be. Not only was it fun, but there were many places that donated items after finding out we were with Make-A-Wish, and that made our $1,000 last even longer.

The story I’m featuring today takes a different twist: Zoe, an eighteen-year-old with cystic fibrosis, spent enough time in the hospital that when it came time for her wish to be granted, she chose to share it with others. Her wish involved giving the fifth floor of the hospital a makeover so it would provide a more cheerful space for the children who were long-term patients there.

How many of us would give away a wish? Zoe’s story can be found here.

So . . . this is a blog hop! That means we support each other by visiting, commenting, and sharing. This month’s cohosts are Shilpa Garg, Dan Antion, Simon Falk, Michelle Wallace, and Mary Giese. Pop on over to their blogs and see what they have to say about the good things in our world.

Even if you’re not part of the blog hop but you’re reading this, I encourage you to comment (I always reply), share if you’d like on the various social media sites (use #WATWB), and visit some of the blogs listed below.

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[NOTE: the “click here” will take you to the list of bloggers and their links, so don’t be afraid to click on it. You do not have to enter your own link to simply go and read the posts.]

11 thoughts on “#WATWB To make a wish and then give it away

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  1. There are so many lovely things about Zoe’s story (Dr Seuss just turns up everywhere) and about this Make-A-Wish foundation. I hope they keep going from strength to strength. Thank you for sharing of a little of your family story and for all you do for our WATWB. 🙂

    1. It’s my pleasure to share. The organization does so much good. I think it’s always reassuring for people to hear from someone who’s experienced the gift firsthand.

  2. What a remarkable young woman. Her generosity and compassion are a real joy to hear about, and Make-A-Wish foundation is a real blessing to so many families. Thanks for sharing this story.

  3. Zoe reminds me of a Latin quote I read somewhere which means ‘not for self’ but for others. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story of compassion and also for sharing a slice of your life, Lynda! Hugs ♥

    1. She has such a good perspective, too. To cling too tightly to something doesn’t allow others to share our joy. I was happy to find a story that involved M-A-W.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the fabulous story of Zoe during this month’s #WATWB. She certainly understands what it means to love and give from the heart. I’m glad that Make-A-Wish was there to help her create this space for sick kids.

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